Monday, December 1, 2008

Measuring Success:

.....After implicating our social policy - we will evaluate its efficacy by the following measures.
The evaluation will occur 6 months subsequent to its enactment

- Decrease in the use of respite: by 10%. Reflecting that caregivers are more able to manage without the need for relief.

-Will evaluate the demographic of those using palliative care to see if it reflects more accurately the dying population. We aim for an increase of 20% of individuals over 65 -At the present time they represent 5% of the population using palliative care, however research has shown that 75% of deaths occur for those over 65.

-Will evaluate the turn over rate of health care service workers- and aim for a 10% decrease. (nurses, social workers, palliative care workers etc) - job turn-over rate reflects job satisfaction.

- We will randomly distribute a quantitative survey to informal caregivers to assess the level of satisfaction with end-of- life care services and accessibility. This will be distributed before the policy enactment and 6 months later to determine a increase or decrease in satisfaction rate.

- Lastly, we will research the number of elders dying at home, since the policy is in place to support the desire of more elderly to dye at home. We will aim for a 10% increase.

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